
Showing posts from June, 2023

Healthcare App Development For Remote Patient Monitoring

  As the world becomes more digitized, Mobile Healthcare Solutions are also evolving to keep up with the times. One of the most significant advancements in healthcare technology is remote patient monitoring. Unsurprisingly, the remote monitoring application market has snowballed, given the spiraling costs of hospital stays, the drop in in-person visits caused by the pandemic, and the impossibility of adequately staffing remote sites. The market for remote patient monitoring systems was estimated to be worth USD 4.4 billion in 2022 , and it is anticipated to increase at a CAGR of 18.5% during the following five years. If you are considering digging into this remunerative business, this guide is for you. In this guide, we will discuss all the crucial steps of developing Mobile Healthcare Solutions and everything you need to know about remote patient monitoring apps. So let’s begin. Types of Remote Patient Monitoring Apps The major goal of healthcare app development is to wo

Making Android Apps With Reproducible Builds

  In the dynamic realm of mobile app development, ensuring the security, efficiency, and trustworthiness of apps is paramount. Reproducible builds offer a transformative solution, providing mobile app developers with a reliable and verifiable approach to creating consistent builds. By recreating an identical build from the same source code, reproducible builds guarantee consistency in the build environment and dependencies. Let's dive into a practical use case to understand the significance of reproducible builds better. Imagine a scenario where a mobile app developer is working on an app that handles sensitive user data, such as financial information. Security is of utmost importance in this case, as any vulnerabilities could lead to severe consequences, including financial loss for users. By adopting reproducible builds, the developer can confidently verify that the app's build process remains unchanged throughout its lifecycle. This means that each time the mob

The Top 6 Apple Watch Heart Rate Monitor Apps

  The Apple Watch is a full-feature-packed watch that empowers you to take control of your fitness app development journey. It provides helpful health information, including low heart rate function and blood oxygen saturation levels. Moreover, it's a fantastic tool for keeping track of prescriptions, recording heart rate information, and monitoring Afib's history. Due to its accuracy and ability to follow one's health, several physicians even suggest that patients get one. Apple Watch is for a healthier lifestyle- especially for heart patients. However, there are N number of choices available, and you can choose any of them to your benefit. Many fitness app development companies build reliable fitness solutions that help users. According to research, an estimated 40 million individuals in the US use fitness trackers and smartwatches to monitor their heart health. But with thousands of options, users tend to get confused. Some of these fitness trainer app developm

What is AI Doing to App Development? Is It Something For You?

  Considering how Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transformed multiple industries, including app development, one can appreciate its efficacy as a technology. However, the adoption of AI in app development comes with a set of challenges.  Choosing a suitable algorithm requires extensive knowledge of machine learning techniques, such as supervised and unsupervised, reinforcement, and deep learning, which are pretty tricky for business owners to master and comprehend.  To overcome these challenges for business owners, we, the leading   Artificial Intelligence App Development Company , covered a few crucial points, including a brief overview of what AI is doing to app development and how AI tools and technology might help make an effective and efficient app.  App Development Features powered by AI Automatic Code Generation Ready and real-time assistance in code generation cut the slack for coders, and the  Artificial Intelligence Development Company  can now rely on intellige